About Us

Man in cowboy hat and black vest with woman in white blouse standing behind him with her arm around him standing in a pasture with lake and blue sky in the background

I am a fourth-generation cattle rancher. We currently run about 450 commercial cows and about 150 registered cows between my dad and I. Twedt Red Angus began when I purchased the entire herd of Bar R Red angus in 2009. We sold our first bulls in the spring 2010. We have used these cows as the foundation herd. We have since added key cows to improve and grow our cow herd since then. Embryo transfer has allowed us to improve our herd at fast rate. We flush 5-8 cows and put in about 100 embryos a year. This allows us to offer you more of the best bulls out of some of our top cows.

Our ranch is located north of Mchenry, ND where there are rolling hills and native pastures with crop ground mixed in between. The cattle thrive on these native pastures.

Thank you for showing an interest in Twedt Red Angus and Let us know how we can serve you in the future. Guests are welcome any time.

Samuel, Emily, Nora, Brynn, Wyatt, Eden

Man in cowboy hat and black vest with woman in white blouse standing behind him with her arm around him standing in a pasture with lake and blue sky in the background
Young girl with long blonde hair and white blouse standing in a pasture
Black and white photo of young girl in short sleeve blouse standing in a pasture
Young boy with black best and long sleeve white shirt standing to the right of woman with shoulder length brown hair and short sleeve white blouse in a pasture with a pond in the background
Young girl with shoulder length blonde hair and white bow in a light blue short sleeve blouse standing in a pasture with a pond and blue sky in the background
Black and white photo of family with mom, dad, and four young kids sitting in a pasture looking at each other and laughing
Photo of three young girls and one boy sitting in a pasture tickling each other and laughing
Family with mom, dad, and four young kids standing in a pasture looking at each other and smiling
Black and white photo of a dad kneeling in a pasture with two of his daughters standing on each side of him and youngest daughter sitting on his knee
Family with mom, dad, and four young kids standing in a pasture with cattle and pond in the background

Interested in Our Cow Herd, Sales, or Other? Contact Twedt Red Angus Today!