Twedt Red Angus prides itself in offering you some of the best genetics available in the breed. In order to do so we have added an extensive embryo transfer program. We are now putting in over a hundred embryos each year on these cows listed below. We don't just flush any cow. Each cow must have an outstanding performance record, sound feet and legs, excellent udder, a good disposition and good fertility. These cows are the foundation of our herd. They are moving us forward along with our customers.
Tina 662 has become one of the top cows on the Ranch. She is know for her perfect feet and her powerful build. She is the dam of the Select Sires bull STRA Sargent 2019.
STRA Flo Marie 7185 is a direct daughter of the Flo Marie 245. She is as beautiful as you can make one. Her daughter sold in the 2024 ND Red Select Sale for $25,000. She will highlight the 2025 bull sale with 6 full brothers. She is a cow you will continue to see a lot more of in the future.
305 is a beautiful long bodied cow with a picture-perfect udder. She is most well known for being the dam of STRA RELENTLESS who is now in stud at ST Genetics.
54b was purchased as the second high selling cow in the U2 dispersion in 2019. We are super excited about this cow and can't wait to get more calves out of her. Co-owned with Rhodes Red Angus and Nordlund Stock Farm.
417c was purchased out of the U2 dispersion in Canada in 2019. Look for calves out of her in the 2022 sale.
308Y was a cow we purchased from Biebers in 2017. She is most know for her popular son Bieber Atomic in Accerlated Genetics line up. She is an awesome footed easy fleshing cow. We are excited about the daughters that will be put back in our herd out of this cow. Her first sons sell in 2021.
345x is another cow we purchased in 2017. She is a super tanky easy fleshing highly productive cow. She is most well known for raising STRA Hercules 706 who sold to Nordlund Stock Farm as our high selling bull in 2017.
334 is a big powerful cow that stems from the famous Cherabel line. She has put many outstanding daughters back into the herd. She sold one bigtime herd bull to Seeger Rusch Red angus in 2019.
107W was a cow we purchased as a bred heifer back in 2011. She has been an outstanding female maker for us! Her daughters all have turned out to become excellent. They are moderate, easy fleshing females. Her grand dam is the great Basin Primrose 2043 and she is sires by Basin Hobo 0545. You can't go wrong with that combo. She was added to the donor pen in 2016.
We purchased Flo Marie from VF Red Angus this fall of 2017. She was the high selling cow that day for $15000. We feel she is phenotypically one of the most impressive cows. She is sired by one of the true female making sires out there Larson Sun King. We feel this cow is going to be a great asset going forward. Look for her calves to be offered in 2020.
We also purchased this fall of 2017 MTX W14. This cow was a donor in the Rust Mountain Program and did an outstanding job for them. We are excited to see what she will do here. She was born and raised at Nordland Stock Farm and is out of the great LMG MTX 3032 cow. 3032 to has had offspring top their sale every year. We feel MTX W14 will do the same for us.
BIEBER Laura is the newest addition to our donor pen and boy are we excited about her. We purchased her in Denver at the Western Heritage sale from Bieber Red Angus for $30,000. She is the dam of Select Sires bull Bieber Hard Drive and Genex's new bull Bieber Deep End. This is one of the top cows in the red angus breed and we are really excited to own her. Look for her first calves to sell in 2018.
Colleen 429 is a cow we purchased at Jacobson Red Angus fall sale. She is cow we are really excited about. She has done great things in their program and we are hoping for the same. She combines breed leeding carcass traits of her sire, Glacier Logan, with the absolute power and growth of her maternal granddsire, Hi Ho 916.